domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

CD Chanticleer - Mysteria.


01 - Ash wednesday and lent – Antiphon
02 - Ash wednesday and lent - Kyrie XVII
03 - Ash wednesday and lent - Gradual_ laetatus sum
04 - Palm Sunday - Antiphon_ Hosanna filio David
05 - Maundy Thursday - Antiphon_ Dominus Jesus
06 - Good Friday - Responsitory_ Tenebrae Factae sunt
07 - Good Friday - Hymn with refrain_ Pange lingua, Crux Fidelis
08 - Good Friday - Reproaches and Trisagion
09 - Holy Sunday - Responsory_ Christus factus est
10 - Holy Sunday - Hymn_ Vexilla Regis
11 - Easter - Gloria in excelsis II (1)
12 - Easter - Alleluia v. Pascha nostrum
14 - Easter – Offertory
15 - Easter - Agnus Dei XVII
16 - In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Alma redemptoris
17 - In honor of the blessed Virgin Mary –
18 - In honor of the blessed Virgin Mary - Regina Caeli
19 - In honor of the blessed Virgin Mary - Salve Regina

Origem: U.S.A

Servidor: 4Shared
Arquivo: Zipado/Mp3
Tamanho: 83MB

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