1 Introit Nos Autem IV 2:35
1 Introit Nos Autem IV 2:35
2 Greeting and Pentitential Rite 1:30
3 Kyrie III IV 2:27
4 Gloria II I 3:05
5 Collect 1:02
6 First Reading Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 3:55
7 Gradual Oculi omnium VII 4:13
8 Second Reading I Corinthians 11: 23-26 1:38
9 Tract Ab ortu solis VIII 3:35
10 Gospel John 13:1-15 4:24
11 General intercessions 3:00
12 Offertory Ubi caritas VIII 2:43
13 Prayer over the Gifts and Preface for Eucharist I 3:37
14 Sanctus V IV 1:15
15 Eucharistic Prayer I Roman canon 12:12
16 Pater Noster and Communion Rite 3:10
17 Agnus Dei V IV 2:30
18 Communion Hoc Corpus VIII 2:28
19 Prayer after Communion 0:32
20 Procession and Hymn Pange Lingua III 3:40
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